New Covenant Family of Ministries was founded by Pastors Rusty & Lynn Sharp and is located in Griffin, Ga.
Through our commitment to the Lord, our combined experience spanning years of ministry, and our love for God's people to succeed, New Covenant Family of Ministries has begun to establish father/son relationships with churches and individuals that will last a lifetime!
We know that God is calling HIS church to help one another. We believe that God is trying to establish interdependence without crushing independence. How effective would the church be if we pooled our resources and gifts that the Father has given us?
In today's fast moving world God is positioning many to share the love of Christ through traditional and non-traditional means. If you look at the body of Christ in general around the world you will see "The Church" in many forms. Some forms have been around for decades and some forms are just beginning. Some of these are recognizable to the masses and some are not. Some are easy to spot and some are not. Some include a multitude of people and some are individuals. The true Body of Christ has always been grounded in the grace and mercy of the Father, but has also been fluid in the times and cultures of the people it affected. When you look at the life of Jesus Christ here on earth you will constantly see Him doing and saying what the Father told Him to say and do which meant that He ministered to the need of those around as only the Father knew they needed. That's why His ministry was so fluid and changing. It flowed according to the will of His Father in Heaven which meant every situation was unique, and therefore, and potentially life changing. Well, the same is true for the Body of Christ today. For those that are following the will of our Father in Heaven you will see ministry take on many different forms. Some of which were not even conceivable a few years ago. As an example, prior to the internet being formed none of us could imagine all of the different forms of ministry that would be created online. Almost every day I am hearing of new and unique ways that the Love of God is being spread around the globe to a humanity that is so in need of the "true gospel of Jesus Christ".
For years the world has seen a "form of godliness", but "not the power of God". What is the sign of the gospel of Christ? How will the world know? Before he left this world Jesus gave us the sign when He said this in John 13: 34-35, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." As we obey Jesus' command to love others as He loves us, we will see the chains of darkness broken in the world today.
It is now time for the church to release the body of Christ to do what God has called her to do. In order to fulfill this mandate, God has now allowed NCFM to be positioned where we can love, assist and link arms with those that He sends our way. Whether they are in a traditional church form, non-traditional church form, large group, small group, or an individual it doesn't matter. If it matters to our Heavenly Father, then it matters to us.
If you take "a stroll" through our website and would like to know more or would just like to exchange ideas on what's going on with the Body of Christ, please email us at .
Pastor Rusty